Diversity Policy
James Chase is committed to developing the diverse skills and experiences of all. We respect our employees, clients, candidates and investors throughout the world without regard to their differences or similarities. Our actions and behaviours must demonstrate and confirm our respect for each other and each other's contributions.
James Chase is committed to the goals of equal opportunity and affirmative action in employment. It aims to provide a work environment for staff that fosters fairness, equity, and respect for social and cultural diversity, and that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and vilification as determined by current and future legislation.
To reinforce this commitment in our daily work all company activities, policies, practices and procedures are to be carried out in accordance with this policy. Each employee is personally responsible and accountable for ensuring that her/his actions and behaviours reflect this policy.
Equal Opportunities
James Chase considers all forms of discrimination to be unacceptable in the workplace. The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities throughout employment, including in the remuneration, recruitment, training and promotion of staff.
James Chase is committed to ensuring that no employee receives less favourable treatment or is unlawfully discriminated against on grounds of disability, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, religious convictions, age, nationality or ethnic origin.
James Chase is an equal opportunities employer. All appointments and promotions are made on the basis of performance and ability. We are committed to the continued development of the personal and business skills of our employees and you will be treated in a fair and unbiased way and given every encouragement to realise your potential.
All employees will be made aware of the provisions of this policy and all employees are required to ensure that the policy is carried out properly as in addition to being committed to equal opportunities internally within the workplace, the Company is committed to clients and Candidates being treated equally.
James Chase is committed to its Candidates being assessed in accordance with their merits and qualifications and ability to perform the relevant duties required by a particular vacancy. The Company will not tolerate unlawful discrimination against or towards any Candidates or client or prospective client.
James Chase acknowledges its legal and moral obligation both in recruitment and in employment to offer equal opportunities to all persons irrespective of race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status or religion or similar belief.
James Chase also acknowledges that this is a continuous on-going process which must remain under constant review. No person applying for employment will be treated less favourably than another person on the basis of their race colour, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, religion or similar belief. Job descriptions will not require any unnecessary or inappropriate qualifications.